
Showing posts from February, 2021

Hack fb -temux

  Hack fd is a tool witch can open checkpoint account, auto like, open lock profile etc. To run this tool first run all the basic command. After run all basic command right those command  pkg update && pkg upgrade   pkg install git    pkg install python2    pip2 install mechanize   pip2 install request     git clone &nbsp ;  cd hack-fb    sh    ls      python2  After right those command this tool need a lisence  lisens: 5rtdfy6ifdchxfupo8yy4gyuhdzcvhhfthvgg8655ytdtoljhv Then press inter. Afte press inter then you need to wright the name of your country If you face any Problem contact me on facebook Thank you

Facebook auto report -termux

  With this tool you can give report a person’s facebook id automatically. Now am gonna show you how to do this. First wright all basic command. Then wright $ apt install zip $ git clone $ cd Report $ ls $ unzip $ chmod +x * $ python2 After wright those command the terminal look like this Terminal There goes the victim fb id number To find id number simply copy the link of your victim fb profile. And go to this link :- And paste id on there. After click on find facebook id the website show you a id number. Copy the id number and paste it on termux ID target section an press inter. After press inter the reporting presses will start. If you face any ptoblem contact me on facebook Thank you

Free fire mod menu apk

  Free fire Free fire is an online battle royal game. This is most popular game of the world. Today i am gonna give you the mod version of free fire. The mod menu of free fire have auto headshot, auto aim, teliport, wall hack and much more. Free fire mod menu apk :- Thank you 

Grovepad mod apk

  Groovpad logo Groovepad is an apk witch can make music beats easily. But in the main app most of the music are locked. You can access them by buying premium version. But now i wanna give you the premium unlocked version of groovepad. Groovepad premium mod apk :- Stay with us thank you 

Fb auto like and information getering -fbi-termux

  Fbi is a tool which is help you to find gmail /phone number of facebook friend. You can also give reaction automatically on an id. To run this tool you need to complete the basic command. If you complete basic command one time you have no need to type it another time. The commands of run fbi in termux is $ git clone $ cd fbi $ ls $ chmod +x * $ python2 Fbi tool when the tool will run you need to just type $ help To see all programme after type help After type help you can show all programme. Before run another programme first you need to login with facebook. To login gust type token and login with fb. After login you can run all programme of fbi. If you face any problem contract me of fb :- Thank you

Anonshare -termux

 Anonshare is a tool make by darknet haxor team. With this tool you can share any file by sharing a code. To run this tool in termux first type all the basic command  After all basic command the type  $ git clone $ cd AnonShare  $ ls $ chmod +x * $ bash  After typing those command the tool will run. If you watch face any problem contact me of facebook :-  Thank you

Contact me

 Contact me on facebook :-  My email address :-  My phone number :- +8801978892112  My home address :- Chalabond, Faydabad,  Dakhsinkhan, Uttara, Dhaka -1230 Bitcoin address :-    3CRHN6uXwLw5n1t9wGfHyrDjEd41Yxwwej Ethereum address :-   0x311EdF7397422F8B1C65873cf7D16A045ebf8E12 Thank you very much

About me

 I am robin. I am from Bangladesh. I am not a professional web devoloper. I am a student. Thank you to visit my website.

Basic command of termux

  Termux need some basic command to use. The commands are :- $apt update  $apt upgrade  $apt install python  $apt install python2 $apt install git  Those are the basic command of termux.  Sometime termux not run with normal key board. So you need to install hacker key board.  Hacker keyboard :- Thank you 

Termux - the Terminal emulator of linux

 Linux is an os (opareting system).This os i the best choice for hackers. Most of the hacking tools are already install in this os. Termux is an android version of linux. Termux run in both rooted phone/non rooted phone. There is some fiture extra in rooted phone. In this website i should regularly upload blog  about termux. So pleas stay with me.Linux is an os (opareting system).This os i the best choice for hackers. Most of the hacking tools are already install in this os. Termux is an android version of linux. Termux run in both rooted phone/non rooted phone. There is some fiture extra in rooted phone. In this website i should regularly upload blog  about termux. So pleas stay with me.Linux is an os (opareting system).This os i the best choice for hackers. Most of the hacking tools are already install in this os. Termux is an android version of linux. Termux run in both rooted phone/non rooted phone. There is some fiture extra in rooted phone. In this website i should ...


 Lunux is best choice of hackers. Termux is a terminal emulator of linux. With termux you can run many hacking or pen testing tool of linux. In this blogspot i will post many tools command regulerly. So stay with me.  Thank you 

My website

 I am made may first website in wordpress. I am not am professional web devoloper. It is my try to build website. I think this is important in future. Never ignore ICT. It is very important in life. When we watch scifi movie we can see future will full of depend on technology.