Hack fb -temux

 Hack fd is a tool witch can open checkpoint account, auto like, open lock profile etc.

To run this tool first run all the basic command.

After run all basic command right those command

 pkg update && pkg upgrade 

 pkg install git  

 pkg install python2  

 pip2 install mechanize 

 pip2 install request  

  git clone https://gitlab.com/Sumarr-ID/hack-fb.git  

 cd hack-fb  

 sh data.sh  


 python2 hack.py 

After right those command this tool need a lisence

 lisens: 5rtdfy6ifdchxfupo8yy4gyuhdzcvhhfthvgg8655ytdtoljhv

Then press inter. Afte press inter then you need to wright the name of your country

If you face any Problem contact me on facebook

Thank you


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